The island nation of Philippines is still assessing the damage caused by most destructive typhoon Haiyan that hits the middle portion of the country on the morning of Friday, November 8, 2013. Philippines is accustom to typhoons, but Haiyan with more than 500 mile spread and recorded sustained winds of 195 gusting up to 235 miles per hour caused more damage to the island nation than any other typhoon. Due to the rural nature of the area that it hit damage may have been subdued but reaching victims may become more difficult.
Much needed food and medical aid are slowly reaching the devastated areas. Death toll from the typhoon Haiyan initially estimated around 10,000 but since been revised and slowly climbing and stands around 2,300 at the time of this writing. Disaster aid is beginning to flow into the hard hit areas and is coming from all corners of the world. U.S. Navy aircraft carrier is bringing in much needed medical and personal support. Local airports are slowly becoming accessible and accepting cargo from aircrafts. However, the damage caused by Haiyan will far exceed any other typhoon that hit the island nation in the past.