What a Rented Commercial Kitchen Usually Provides

Article Submitted By: Food Trade Consultants


If you have a catering business but find that your home doesn’t have enough space or the necessary equipment to operate, you can rent a commercial kitchen. What is a commercial kitchen? It is a cooking space that a business can rent out for a certain number of hours. This kitchen has already been approved by a local health department and is equipped with everything you need for baking and cooking.

Here’s a list of what a rented commercial kitchen provides:

  1.  Cooking supplies and Equipment – These are typical things you need for cooking and can be found in a normal kitchen such as pots and pans, chopping board, knives, stove, etc.
  2.  Baking space and baking equipment – Baking takes up a lot of space because it is more work than cooking. When doing a catering business, this normally means larger volumes of baked goods at a time and if done in a regular kitchen with limited equipment, the baking process will take a lot of time.
  3. Refrigerator and sink – Both are necessary when making food. A fridge is needed for storing raw food. Sink is used to wash food and keep the cook’s hands clean at all times.
  4. Storage Space – To keep the workspace clean and organized, a commercial kitchen will provide storage space for ingredients or equipment to be kept away while it’s not needed.
  5. Deliveries – Some commercial kitchen offers this service. You can have someone deliver the cooked and baked food to wherever the event will take place. You must check before hand if they provide this, otherwise you need to prepare your own mode of transportation.